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Finding Roads Every Day

The Adventures of Fred the Bus

A Project on HOLD....UGH!!

A Project on HOLD....UGH!!

We bought our bus in late August, 2019. Living in the northeast, in the state of New Hampshire, we knew we were going to be short on time before we had to put the bus up for the winter. Our winters can be brutal sometimes, but we usually get “feet” of snow in some variation or another. An average ye...

September 26th at 3:05pm
Getting Fred

Getting Fred

It all started with one YouTube video….

It was about 5 years ago when we saw our first YouTube video that showed how a regular person turned a retired school bus into a beautiful home on wheels. It was amazing. We spoke about it and decided that it was an endeavor that most people wouldn't be ab...

September 23rd at 1:34pm